Saturday, November 7, 2009

10/20/2009: I ate something gross this week‏

Family, Another week here and gone again in Phoenix, yeah we did get a nice little warm spell...wasn't too bad though only broke 100 twice. But this morning it's fresh and cool with a little breeze so hopefully it stays this way for a while. :) Wow I don't know where to begin! this week was pretty intense. I guess I'll start off with something uber cool.Remember the last letter when I described pedro being a 5' something short dude who weighs 300 pounds? Well God I guess in his sense of humor remembered that and when we asked Pedro who he wanted to baptize him, he asked me. Yeah. intense right? So the baptizm was last Saturday and it was really neat. The Service was interesting. We decided that no one knows how to play piano in our I, always talking about music, was assigned to learn 2 hymns in an hour during language study so I could play at the baptism. Guess what? I don't really play piano. But the Lord helps us in our weeknesses and I can proudly say that I can pump out a pretty mean version of "I like to look for rainbows"(aka when I am baptized) and "Come Follow Me". :) that was neat. ALSO, whilst practicing, Elder Nicholas left the font going on full blast and the font overflowed ALMOST into the room, but we got it to turn off just befor it rose to the threshold of the door. Whew thank goodness. But the service was wonderful, the spirit was there, and Pedro was confirmed the day after as a member of the church of Jesus Christ. Something new I ate this week. Pig intestine. Yeah. Don't think you have to go foreign to eat UBER WEIRD stuff. And just so you know, it's nasty (in my opinion). Well the work is bustling here in Phoenix. We're super busy, teaching a TON, and we set some mor baptismal dates for November. I'm excited to be part of these people's experiences as they go and do to experience the change that Jesus offers to everyone. He puts us in the right place at the right time to find people. One guy was playing the accordian outside, and I went up and chit chatted about music for a bit. He then insisted that we teach him about our message. He ate. it. up. And why? maybe cause it's true. Maybe because Christ organized a church founded on a prophet and apostles, and no other church on the earth has that organization. Maybe because we believe God is the same yesterday when he called people to guide his people, and today, because there is someone now to guide his people, and forever. I can't find any way this can be false, and truth rings familiar in the ears of people who are willing to listen. That's why people listen, that's why it's actually effective to send 19 year old guys who don't know much out into the world to teach people in every language. We have lots of moments where we say in the car "only on a mission can you find 19 year olds who...." then finish it off with something like "talk about the scriptures while lifting weights" "turn up their "favorite song"" which happens to be classical motab. It's a cool thing. an apostle once said that the Gospel challenges us to not just BE something or someone, but to BECOME. I LOVE this thought, because we aren't here just to be, and live, and be tossed around. We're here to become something,learn, gain experience, grow. If we are true disciples and followers of Christ we will have the desire, the URGE, to DO not just sit around. To ACT, not just be acted upon. To become someone, not just be. I hope this ramble made sense. I love you all. Thanks for all your support. I pray for you every day. -Elder Morgan

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