Monday, August 31, 2009
Red Elder + aloe vera gel = Happy Red Elder
It's true I've only been here 2 days. However, it's hot. Also, I'm REALLY white. therefore. I'm not accustomed to the heat here. President Bassett was really all funny about it, upon arriving here, he said "well since it's SUCH a cool day outside, lets go take pictures at the mission home. In the vehicle, I spotted the magic technology (doesn't exsist in the MTC) that tells people the temperature. yeah so "such a cool day" is secretive code for 110.5 degrees. that's right.
ok so I did my little rant. should go ahead and give a little review of my dealings this past little while.
I'm out of the MTC. I'm here in Arizona. Phoenix to be exact. The most Hispanic part of Phoenix in fact. :) Basically everyone here speaks spanish. Anyhow, so I finished up stuff at the MTC, and at 4 AM Tuesday morning I woke up so I could get ready and to a bus by 5 so that I could be at the airport for a flight that would last a whole whopping hour to Phoenix. Only to drive to mesa, have a long orientation, meeting my companion, or should I say COMPANIONS, and then we went back to phoenix to do the work! Speaking of Companions....I have some awesome ones. Elder Moffit and Elder Nicholas. Elder Moffit has been here 18 months now...basically he's superman of missionaries, knows EXACTLY what to say and how to say it. He's really nice, and helpful, and REALLY good at spanish which is a REALLY good thing. Elder Nicholas has been here 2 transfers, so he's our key to the area. He knows where everything is, who everyone is we're teaching and all about the ward. Also, he's a Navy Seal. probably one of the few people I've ever seen who could LITERALLY rip his shirt by flexing. This Elder is huge.
Ok. Sooo first day, (post meeting companions) We went to phoenix (yes in our car [unfortunately {I really wanted to be on bike}]) But anyhow, we went to the apartment, and oh yeah, forget about unpacking, just grab your scriptures, about 50 passalong cards, and we're GONE! soo what we did was we went to some less actives house, not home. Then we knocked doors! 1394 the number of the door I hit first. Basically everyone here is REALLY REALLY nice. ok so that's a lie, but most of the hispanic people are always up for a good 5 minute conversation if not more. We had a couple people interested, including the neighbors of the Branch President! After tracting a bit, I met the ward mission leader, who informed me he didn't speak English (even though he does) and that I'd just have to learn to listen better. haha
Speaking of the language...I'm SOOOOO bad. Back in MTC land I was top notch!! nothing could stop me! Now?....not so much. I'm usually too lost to try and respond, and when I finally realize something they said to me, I surprize myself and can't talk back effectively. That doesn't stop Elder Moffit though frequently passing me off in conversation with comments like "isn't that right Elder Morgan?" and "Elder Morgan has a GREAT experience about what I just taught" and other various lines to get me talking. I found a member here se llama Victor. He likes baseball. I know that word. So he told me all about the diamondbacks and the Cardinals and so that was good. Hector (the ward mission leader) is WAY fun and SO motivated. He's hosting a barbeque this friday for the preisthood to try and get them to invite friends. So that was most of my yesterday.
Tuesdays are my P-day, (preparation day) however, today we got privileges since I just arrived yesterday. Sooo thus I can write and shop and stuff. So now I have all the missionary essentials, bread, PB and J :) Some eggs and juice too. But they said the missionaries are taken care of here. Speaking of which. today we taught a lesson to the Alvarez family. Unknown to me, they are a member family. So I thought this was a REAL DEAL and that the eternal salvation of these people rested on my shoulders and my companions. I was SO excited when they told me the understanded EXACTLY why we needed the atonement and a restoration. I'm thinking "Golden" they were thinking "Greenie" haha :) So that was great. I know now that Brother Alvarez is second counselor in the branch presidency. Upon leaving their house, he said he had something special for us...he left and returned with three bananas. The simplicity, sincerity of his offer really hit me. These people here don't have a whole lot...but they have the Gospel and that's Enough.
It's enough for me too. I know that God lives. I know Jesus is His son. I know Jesus provided a way to overcome our sins, and all he asks of us is to follow him and keep his commandments. Love you all.
-Elder Morgan
Side notes for memory and scrapbook sake: Phoenix is known as "the city where people talk to trees" So, it may not be as nuts as russia, but after one day, I've seen some WEIRD things and talked to some interesting souls Mail: Keep mailing to the Mission address, they forward it to us. If mailing a package, mail to the mission home if USPS. Fedex and others have to be sent to our apartment. Everything is in spanish here! papers, signs, it's pretty neat.I've never seen so many people with such huge problems in their families and stuff. So much stuff going on all the time and problems. I know that God organized families because they WORK if we follow his commandments. also thanks for having hope. People down here, even after only one day, have told me there CAN'T be a God. There IS no plan. Boy are they wrong. and they need to know about it all the more. there's so much in store for us. if not in this life, then in the next. Well, I'm off to go teach. Hasta luego. Until next Tuesday. PS I have WAY more computer time here than the MtC (an hour) so you can send e-mails long again. I have plenty of time to read. LOVE YOU ALL! -Shae
Friday, August 21, 2009
From: Shae Morgan (
Sent: Tue 8/18/09 4:44 PM
Well another week is here and gone. This is week nine. We're officially the oldest people here at the MTC (in our Zone) and I'm juuuust about ready to go crazy wanting to get out into the field. Because we've officially hit a pretty low low. We get excited about getting our gym clothes to "poof" perfectly when we place them on the air vent. Yeah. Sad. ok, now to the more interesting parts of my e-mail!!!
We are SOOOO old we got to finally host the new incoming missionaries! So that was really awesome. We got to stand there watchign as a bunch of moms were balling, and asking us to take pictures we have to decline, but it's all good, because in the end, We're walking away with a new missionary who's about to get thrown into the work. Some missionaries were like "mom LET GO I'm GOING!" and then booked it to get into the front doors. I saw some good friends from my ward at BYU, and hosted some great new Elders. The best is finding out they're going spanish speaking, smiling, then telling them something in spanish. Ususally it's just something like "well, elder, that's a really nice tie you've got" or "welcome, now that I know you speak spanish, I'm no longer going to use english" or something like that...yeah. usually they just smile back or go "woooooow!" haha so that's always great, and it was great to answer questions and calm some nerves cause I sure know my guide wasn't very helpful. "Welcome to Spirit Prison" he had said once out of eyeshot and earshot of the helping hosting elderly missionaries. That was my first intro to the MTC from an MTC missionary. I hope I gave a better impression. :)
FUNNY STORY TIME: So we were in this really fun meeting talking about the different ways to approach people, and how to "find people". It was brought up that the more people you contact, the more people want to listen....interesting (DUH). So they showed a statistic, of two areas, demographically identical, but they had the statistics for people contacted, lessons taught, and baptisms. One area had almost 3 times as many as the other and the question was posted "what's the difference here?" To which a reply came out loud and proud from a sister saying "The one area must have more Sister Missionaries!" We all died laughing. it was really great, but still true. The Sisters here are PUMPED and ready to go, I wish it were the case with all the Elders here too. Either Way, the work is going forth, until it consumes the whole Earth. Get Ready :)
Cool though. Jesus Christ was always said to "succor" his children. What in the world does that really mean?! out? Give assistance? this is what I thought, but check this out. To succor, is to RUN to give aid. is not this a good picture in your head? When you're in danger, trouble, or just having a hard day, wouldn't you like to see Christ, coming RUNNING to your aid. He cares THAT much about you, about me, about everyone. Is it too much to ask that we come unto him? Have Faith in His name? Give up our sins to be clean through His atonement? Be Baptized by His authority into His church? Hm. Interesting. Will we let our little addictions or bad habits get in the way of letting the Savior of the world run to help us? I should hope not. :)
Whew. Ok. Well that's a wonderful little note to you all for this week. Just know that This next Tuesday at 5:00 AM I'm sitting in the Salt Lake City Airport waiting for my KILLER long flight (a whole whopping 45 minutes) to Phoenix, to start teaching people. Speaking of which, one more thing. I'm teaching this guy on the phone named Vicente. He speaks spanish. I don't. Yet somehow, he understands that what I have, no, what the LORD has in store for him is much greater than what he has now, communicated through a mumbling spanish speaking gringo named Elder Shae Morgan. God Loves his children. We are His children. If you don't know that, will you pray about it? if you do know that, will you pray about it again to feel that wonderful confirmation of peace in your life that God does love you and he cares about your situation specifically.
Keep praying, He's listening
Elder Morgan
From: Shae Morgan (
Sent: Tue 8/11/09 4:43 PM
Ok well I'm gonna make the best of it. I just hate writing at warp speed not caring about how many typing errors there are and how messed up my sentences are. Anyhow.
So welcome to the life if missionary Senoritus at the MTC. I'm ACHING for Mesa, I'm just dying to go. But being here a long time gives you certain rights that's for sure. For example. Theres this shower here...we've named it outter darkness. the light above it is forever burned out, and it has REALLY intense pressure, and it's FLAMING hot. and all the other showers are cold. We're talking major fire and brimstone. Anyhow, so we basically all have fights for who gets it, which is ironic, cause we shouldn't really be pushing to go to outter darkness....hmm...anyhow. The longer you've been here can push you over into the "you get to use it" line. I usually give it to a new missionary so he can relax and wind down. Sooo I'm learning to love and enjoy cold Showers. Que guay y divertido. :) entonces.
We've been teaching like MAD in spanish. spanish spanish spanish. I swear there's nothing else going on in my life. ok wait there is Preach my gospel. :) Love that book. We'll see what happens! but I'm loving it.
Stuff about this week. We made a commitment with out teachers, and then prayed so it's a solid promise with God even. The commitment? Give up English. We had this way awesome discussion on how we can help addicts overcome addictions such as the Word of Wisdom (drinking and smoking) and the Law of Castidad. Anyhow, We came up with all these AWESOME ideas of how to help people struggling with some addiction....Boy were we playing RIGHT into our teacher's hand. She saved this huge spot on the board and then said "You all have an addiction" and then it clicked...we TOTALLY set ourselves up for it. She wrote "Inglés" in the huge blank spot. Then we talked about how we can apply our techniques in taking english out of our lives. Sooo this was what....thursday? friday? And I'm proud to say this letter is about the only thing I've done/written/created in english. It's been UBER hard! However, now I hope this experience can help me relate how hard it is to give up something even harder to quit than English. Those crazy inspired teachers they have to working here.
Ok, Neat experience. Temple. Sealings. Ok that's all I gotta say. Wow. neat stuff!! blah I don't know what else to say/can say so I'll leave it at that. SO COOL!!
Couple more things. This week. Something is coming in the mail. They are FLIGHT PLANS! that's right this week I get to know when how and where I'm going to head to Mesa. I'm really excited. Also! We get to participate in the Ouacre Mountain temple dedication or whatever it's called. So that oughta be awesome.
Love you! Elder Morgan
From: Shae Morgan (
Sent: Tue 8/04/09 4:40 PM
Hola from the CCM o the MTC. It's been a beautiful sunny week with wonderful weather and wonderful spirit. So here goes my weekly letter to tell you all about the craziness which is going on here.
First off. Yes, I saw Elder Schellman, Jessica Ex-Lewis, and ALSO a Mr. Kaplan Sanders. So that's been good and it's always a little boost to see people I know from EFY, Home, and BYU. Some of my good friends from BYU came in this week. Namely, Jericho Lopez, my ping pong buddy, David Grimm and others. This week My district and I get to be hosts! so that is going to be way sweet, we'll get to walk all the little nervous smiley scared new missionaries to their home for the next little while. I'm exited for that.
So I'm companions with Elder Mullen right? Elder Mullen has some back pain and stuff that he does Physical therapy for. Guess what this means?! I GOT TO SEE THE REAL WORLD!!! 2 times this week we went out into the real world, talking to REAL people. It was pretty neat. At one doctors appointment, I was sitting in the lobby waiting for Elder Mullen, and I said "ok Lord, I'll talk to everyone that sits in this chair" (the one really close to me.) Guess where every single person sat? you got it. That chair. So I talked to a lot of people, even challenged a man to start reading the Book of Mormon again after having a difficult time believing. So hopefully something good comes of that. Also a shout out to Hannah Pullan, I saw her as we drove by the BYU buildings.
Random spanish phrase that doesn't really work out?
This week Elder Allred (the goofball we all love in our group) came up with this one. It's a "Tres Manera Corbata!" meaning (literally) Three Way (pathway or manerism) Tie (the kind to wear)
ok Neat Experience of the Week (N.E.W.) soooo this week, we had a rockin' devotional. Talking about how the Lord's hand is in everything and how we need to be submissive and humble eenough to accept whatever he has planned for us. Sooo, one of the songs we sang, they changed the lyrics on the screen. It was "Army of Helaman" the childrens song. The real words say "We will be the Lord's missionaries..." The words changed to "And we are now the Lord's missionaries, to bring the world His truth" Wow. What a neat experience. Being in a room of 2100 missionaries, each sacrificing something to be there and wanting to talk with everyone about the restoration that has changed their lives and made them Happy. Happier than they've ever been. A talk given this week, something stood out to me, a story was told about a missionary who was in an interview and he said "President, I've never been more tired...but I've never been more happy." I hope that I get to that point. I'm happy, I'm REALLY TIRED, and I'm starting to kinda realize what all God has in store for me. I'm DYING to get out to Mesa, and start talking with people. I'm excited to be able to communicate with Spanish people. in the REAL WORLD, I talked to a spanish lady, and we actually could communicate in her made me happy, anxious, and excited to learn more. I'm humbled because really, I don't speak spanish, but I'm sure giving my all to learn how to do so better. Pray for me will ya? pray that I'll be able to speak spanish? Thanks everyone for all the support and love. Prayer works. Read the scriptures, for therein lies the answers to the things you think you'll never get a response about.
Love you all.
-Elder Morgan
okee dokee....cheque leque peque como un panqueque
From: |
Sent: | Tue 7/28/09 4:42 PM |
To: | |
ok so I don't even know what that means in the subject line, but it's something about pancakes and evidently in some places it means "yeah ok for sure." or something similar. For mom, yeah I'm doing well. I'm healthy, I'm exercising, and I'm not eating too much. The food here IS wonderful...however...there's SO much of it it makes me sick. bleck. ok not literally sick, but you get it. ok I've started making lists of thing to write about since time is so limited. So here it goes.
Gabby. Gabby Sandoval. This is the name of my new investigator! a REAL LIVE one. haha she sent in an e-mail (in spanish) about a week ago and we e-mail her back and forth to teach her, and give her assignments, and check up on her. Anyway, this week we challenged her to go to church, and she accepted! so we have yet to hear about that but we'll see. :)
Family: I need a line of authority sent to me, just in case I ordain someone and give them the Mel.Priesthood, they'll know their line.
RC=Referral Center. where we can call people and offer videos, Libros de Mormon, and othre stuff. Making phone calls is scary. making phone calls in spanish is REALLY scary. I'm getting over it though, starting to realize that these people NEED the gospel, to experience joy that I've felt in my life. So I press on making calls, offering the truth to those who will listen.
New topic. Funny spanish stuff! This week, we decided to kill english. English is dead here for my district. That's brought about interesting new frases. like "que muela" which means something like "how totally gorgeous" don't worry...we only use it to describe meals, scriptures, or occasionally or rooms after cleaning. Also Tortuga Torpe = our spanish equivalent of "awkward turtle". For those who know what that is.
Guess who I saw here!?!?! ELDER SCHELLMAN! that's right. Eric Schellman is here at the MTC, he came up to me and totally called me out. I had no clue who it was, then saw his last name and almost died. So that was cool.
SUPER neat experience this week. As a district, we're taking Moroni's challenge to know if the Book of Mormon is true. If we're challenging our investigators to do it, we better know AGAIN t hat it is true. So we go on. learning and studying and let me tell you...that book is so amazing. There is so much to learn in it's pages I cannot even express.
My goal for the rest of my tiempo aqui is to read the entire book of mormon in spanish. It's going along great and I'm learning a lot by reading it.
I had this theory, that at EFY, they work you so hard until you are just physically dead, then they NAIL you thursday with devotionals, and then testimony here. I feel similarly here...every day is so much work, it's so hard, there's so much to do, and I've never felt so strongly guided and so...spiritized? ok not a word, but you get it. it's so great here. I love learning the gospel. I love learning spanish to help me teach others the gospel. I'm just an uber happy guy now! Anyway, Thanks mom for whackin' Mr. Christopher in the head, that made my day, and my time is about up. Just know that I love you all way much. seriously. En Serio. Thanks so much for all the letters, support, help, thoughts, everything. I know that God loves His children. Yo sé que He es nuestro Padre Celestial. Envió su Hijo, Jesucristo para que mediante su Expiacion, podemos ser liberados del pecado. (we can be free from sin through Christ's atonement. God is our loving heavenly father, who sent us his son.)
Thanks for your prayers.
Les Amo mucho
-Elder Morgan