Friday, August 21, 2009

I'm not a huge fan of this lack of time thing.‏
From: Shae Morgan (
Sent: Tue 8/11/09 4:43 PM

Ok well I'm gonna make the best of it. I just hate writing at warp speed not caring about how many typing errors there are and how messed up my sentences are. Anyhow.

So welcome to the life if missionary Senoritus at the MTC. I'm ACHING for Mesa, I'm just dying to go. But being here a long time gives you certain rights that's for sure. For example. Theres this shower here...we've named it outter darkness. the light above it is forever burned out, and it has REALLY intense pressure, and it's FLAMING hot. and all the other showers are cold. We're talking major fire and brimstone. Anyhow, so we basically all have fights for who gets it, which is ironic, cause we shouldn't really be pushing to go to outter darkness....hmm...anyhow. The longer you've been here can push you over into the "you get to use it" line. I usually give it to a new missionary so he can relax and wind down. Sooo I'm learning to love and enjoy cold Showers. Que guay y divertido. :) entonces.

We've been teaching like MAD in spanish. spanish spanish spanish. I swear there's nothing else going on in my life. ok wait there is Preach my gospel. :) Love that book. We'll see what happens! but I'm loving it.

Stuff about this week. We made a commitment with out teachers, and then prayed so it's a solid promise with God even. The commitment? Give up English. We had this way awesome discussion on how we can help addicts overcome addictions such as the Word of Wisdom (drinking and smoking) and the Law of Castidad. Anyhow, We came up with all these AWESOME ideas of how to help people struggling with some addiction....Boy were we playing RIGHT into our teacher's hand. She saved this huge spot on the board and then said "You all have an addiction" and then it clicked...we TOTALLY set ourselves up for it. She wrote "Inglés" in the huge blank spot. Then we talked about how we can apply our techniques in taking english out of our lives. Sooo this was what....thursday? friday? And I'm proud to say this letter is about the only thing I've done/written/created in english. It's been UBER hard! However, now I hope this experience can help me relate how hard it is to give up something even harder to quit than English. Those crazy inspired teachers they have to working here.

Ok, Neat experience. Temple. Sealings. Ok that's all I gotta say. Wow. neat stuff!! blah I don't know what else to say/can say so I'll leave it at that. SO COOL!!

Couple more things. This week. Something is coming in the mail. They are FLIGHT PLANS! that's right this week I get to know when how and where I'm going to head to Mesa. I'm really excited. Also! We get to participate in the Ouacre Mountain temple dedication or whatever it's called. So that oughta be awesome.

Love you! Elder Morgan

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