Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Phoenix: Where People Talk to Trees (Part 2)

Hola Familia y Amigos,

So, don't freak out, sorry this isn't coming on Tuesday, but rather on Wednesday. We had ZONE CONFERENCE! basically for 6 horus on Tuesday so P-day was moved to MONDAY then we realized that Monday was Laborday and the library would be closed so we couldn't e-mail so we changed P-Day to WEDNESDAY. Thus here am I writing on this day.

Sooo I'm alive. All is well in Zion. Let us start off with some experiences shall we? This week I saw lots of CrAzY stuff. We talked to a completely trashed guy named José. he was drunk, and in this state decided that it was ok to talk with me and Elder Nicholas, but that Elder Moffitt was a bad guy who had to stand like 15 feet away or else Jose got a little aggressive. Elder Nicholas and I talked with him and gave him a card with our number so if he ever wanted to change his life he could let us know.

Crazy experience 2: Soddom and Gummorah. So there are twin apartment complexes. We had a referral in one, so we were going there and we stopped to talk to some people. Person #1: "Hey how are you doing today?" "Oh shut up and leave me alone I'm having a bad day (swear words excluded)" "alright! have a great day!" Person #2 "Hey how are you doing today?" "Just leave me alone and burn in *dwelling place of Satan*, I gotta go get my umbrella"

We then proceeded to get hit on by some gay guys, someone threw a beer bottle at us, and we got a lot of shouts and curses. BUT. I think we found the righteous family in there. They are really nice, and accepted our commitments for them, so we'll see how that goes. In our car we have a sign that says "blessed are they who are persecuted for my name's sake..." that's so true. People know who we are, Satan knows who we are. Doesn't it just make sense then that he's gonna throw what he has to get us to halt? Thus it's so necesary to have the sheild, sword, helmet, and other parts of the armor of God.

So, I had my first REAL mexican tamales. I dunno how to write that, but that's my guess. They were mas o menos spicy, and pretty darn good. Something I love about it here, is every dessert, is fruit and coolwhip all chopped and mixed up. it's AWESOME! and not too unhealthy.

A cool experience I wanted to share. I have a CTR ring that spins and has the initials for CTR in 7 languages. The ward mission leader (Hector) has the same one! neat thing, it's his wedding ring. They didn't have a lot of money when they got married, but they decided to spend the money and choose to get 2 ctr rings to always wear. I thought that was WAY cool and sweet of them.

Another thing, I tracted into Jennifer Lopez. Yeah, everyone be jealous. :)

There's a really annoying pattern that's happened here. We've set 2 baptismal dates. and then they move. out of our area. out of our mission. I guess it's all good, cause they're choosing God's path, but still, I'd like to baptize them, being my first investigators. Anyhow, we have 2 more dates set, and we'll see how those go! Pray for Miguel Muñoz. He has a date, but he's not sure he'll be able to keep it, because of his friends peer pressuring him to drink. We'll be praying for him though.

So the neighbors of the Branch President are really progressing well! they came to church on sunday (José and Emma) and they said they loved the feeling they felt there. We testified that it was the Holy Ghost confirming that it was God's church. They accepted to prepare to be baptized and would pray to know the answer. We're checking up on them soon this week.

We cleaned our apartment this morning. Cockroach free right now. It's amazing how much easier it is to focus when there's a clean house. Ding ding ding, temples. Ding ding ding, bodies. When we keep our temples, or bodies and minds, clean, it's so much easier to focus. And not only on spiritual things! the lord promises us that our understanding will increase, so we'll be able to learn normal things better too!

This week in Zone conference we talked about having a "Waters of mormon". this is the place or setting when we received our own personal witness of the Savior, or the church, or any other really significant spiritual impression. I invite everyone to write down in their journals where their place like that is. It was a neat experience for me.

It's starting to cool down, it was only 102 yesterday, so I think the worst is behind. :) I love you all. thanks so much for your support.
-Elder Morgan

speaking of which, can you make sure people address their letters to "Elder Shae Morgan" They need the first name in case we get another Elder Morgan. Not a big thing, but whenever you get the chance, that'd be good to put up on the blog or something.

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