Saturday, December 26, 2009

11/10/09 -- Pray like it all depends on Him. Work like it all depends on you.

I think I'll repeat the subject line just in case you passed it up. "Pray like it all depends on Him. Work like it all depends on you" Whoa. I've heard this said a couple of times now here in Phoenix and in the mission, and I have to admit that it's quickly becoming one of my favorite quotes of all time. We need to pray hard, but even that isn't enough. We have to GO and DO.

when we're working hard we show the Lord how much we're willing to give up to receive the blessings we're asking for. In the book of Ether, the Brother of Jared, prayed unto the Lord, and the lord heard his prayers. Then, he prayed once and the Lord said "You figure out what to do, and I'll help you" Then he went and "molten" out of a rock 16 small stones. I don't know about any of you, but I have no idea how to "molten". it sounds like some tough work though! probably includes intense heating, shaping, cooling, repeating, the point is, it took work. AFTER the Brother of Jared did all this, he went to the Lord said "this is what I came up with...I worked hard, will you make up the rest?" The Lord then answered and made the stones to glow and give light to the ships (book of Ether BOM). Think we'll get very far in the race if we sit at the beginning the whole time and ask our trainer to help us get to the end? When do you think he'll start to help? I suggest, when you take the first step. When you GO and Do. Ok that's my little thought for this week. It's been on my mind a lot. The Mission work is so much easier if we go and do. It's kinda weird how you work harder, but it's made easier. Guess that's the Lord coming through on His end of the deal. :)

Okee-Dokie. Remember Francisca? Franny for short? Yeah? no? ok, well the point is she's probably the cutest old lady in the world who has 11 daughters who all have a bazillion kids too, so she's basically the head of enough people they could be their own stake in the church. AND THAT's WHAT'S HAPPENING! Three ofh er children have been baptized, three more are taking the discussions, two of those three have dates for baptizm, and She's been taught everything she needs now. So, this week, when she comes to church, she'll have done everything she needs to be ready. She's so awesome, she's already signed us up to eat with her...and she cooks AMAZINGLY good Mexican food. She's invited us over to learn how to make her special secret "Abuelita Chile" (LIttle Granny Chile) And I'm excited to bring this knowledge home with me. Also we're learning how to make flour tortillas...for real. none of the fake stuff in stores.

So we try and contact all of our investigators daily. One is named Luz, and she kinda seems like we're just these lame guys who come over every now and again, but we did some daily contact, and she was outside playing soccer with some neighborhood guys....well guess what? Slacks, ties, shoes, and all, we formed an opposing team, and challenged them. it was probably the best contact ever. except we were all sweaty for our next appointment...oops.

Cool experience: Mom, Dad, your son is a translator. This sunday we were combined with the Gringo ward. Therefore, the gringo's were teaching Gospel Principles class...therefore, they needed someone to translate...therefore, Elder Moffitt, being Sooooo supportive, told them I'd be doing it. So, I translated an hour lesson on the family so the spanish speakers could understand. It was neat, and after, he told me I did pretty well! he said there were some bumps, but they are bumps that don't change in a day and with some time I'd be a pretty good translator. imagine that! :) Ok well I've written a whole bunch of schtuff. Thanks everyone for all the support! you all are in my prayers for sure. Family, I love you mucho.

-Elder Morgan

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