Saturday, December 26, 2009

11/17/2009 -- Transfer #3

Well transfers have come and gone and the results aaaaaaaaaaaaare...............................

I'm still here in Phoenix! I'm still in the same area (kinda) and I have a new companion! I'm in the same nasty apartment (though we cleaned it REALLY REALLY well this week and it'll stay that way).Ok. Here's the low down.

We got a call from President Bassett this last week and he said he's splitting the area. Also, that Elder Moffit is staying in the area, while training a new companion. I'd be in the other companionship with Elder Lehman. Elder Moffitt's new trainee is fresh from where? Oh just Honduras. So that's WAY cool. He doesn't speak English. They're moving out into another apartment and they take the car. which leads me to my next point. I'm on Bike now. My trusty steed is either "the black stallion III" or "Black Stallion Jr." it's black and stallion-y. Maybe Elder Slezak can give me feedback on which one he likes memory of his old car...the original Black Stallion (R.I.P.).

So Elder Lehman is pretty cool, for having known him a while whopping 2 hours now. He's from Washington, carries a switchblade knife at all times on him, and smiles a lot. He's been out a little over a year now, so there's definitely less experience than Elder Moffitt, but I'm excited for the change. So we now have the crazy side of our area. The west. The east side, we have like...2 investigators and 2 ward families...that's Elder Moffitt's so they'll be doing a lot of finding. We have the other 15 billion investigators/members/crazy people. aaand we're on bikes. So hopefully we'll be able to manage time to get to teach all these people and still find more.

That's basically the low-down on what's happened here. Yesterday we went to Francisca's (investigator) house, where she taught us how to make tortillas the old fashioned Mexican way. Also she taught us how to make Chiles Rellenos which is a pepper stuffed with cheese then fried and covered with goopy goodness. (aka heartattack in a pepper). I'll have to make them one day when I get back. We turned it into a lesson, about how we're unrefined little specs and different types of ingredients, but when we all work together we can create something great. We talked about the church and fulfilling callings and service. She has a baptismal date for the 5th of Dec. :)

Other exciting news is that we had a TON of people show up at church this week...13 was the count plus a less active family and single guy. it was intense! We'll see what all happens!! I'm excited for this next transfer. We'll work hard so God can bless us. Thanks, I'm praying for all of you mucho.

-Elder Morgan

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